Thursday, March 9, 2017

In the blogging business

So this is what it's like to basically be a blogger !!

Hm... I've been working on the site from past 5 hours editing, composing, changing the theme, choosing colours and fonts, adding tags, categorising posts, scrolling themes, and throwing a quick eye on the settings section.

Damn, this thing is haaaard! I have this book, called "a Thousand Paths to patience" by Michael Powel, which has a symbol of Yin and Yang on the cover. This reminds me of the Yin and Yang collection I had made for the graduation show as a student in WLC in Mumbai in 2009, and just being there was an awesome time of my life!!, anyway,back to our hatchings; in this book, at a random page, number 255 it is written "The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it" - Arnold H Glasow.  Oh wow, it matches the tone of my post. Alright, I'm pleased now.And here is the link to purchase it from Amazon, if you fancy a time pass inspirational, pocket size book.

 Hatching the blog is time-consuming for sure and not that rewarding at the moment. It takes time to build a blog. A good blog. It takes time to learn the techniques, the tools and developing the eye for it. This post is meant to be sort of a short exercise to round up because it is nearly midnight and I'd rather catch some sleep at the moment instead of type mindlessly on this ancient keyboard. However, I must thank the #EveryDayInspiration for pushing me to work on this blog every day and to keep a constant pace. It is slow and tiring but not entirely useless.Work is never useless.

  "Spend as much time laying the foundations for your dreams as you do building them. Trust and accept that things will work out in the end."- Arnold H Glasow

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