Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Student Visa Romania

Planning to apply for a student visa in Romania ? 

  This is what you should know

Step 1:

You need to apply for a national long stay visa. Which allows you the entry and stay on the territory of Romania for 90 days.

 Step 2:

After entering Romania the long stay visa allows you to apply, at the local Immigration office, for the extension of the right of temporary stay and for a residence permit.

If you are planning to study longer than 90 days, up to one year or even more, you must apply for the residency permit that allows you to stay for a period of one year.

  •  The extension of the right of stay in Romania shall be applied for at least 30 days before the expiry of the long-stay visa. It is granted only with the previous approval of the Ministry of Internal Affairs – General Inspectorate for Immigration. 

  • You will get to know whether your visa was approved or not within 30-45 days. By being a student in Romania you will not be a citizen of Romania neither an immigrant. 

 However, once you have the student visa, travel outside Romania will be easy due to many of the organised trips which are being prepared within University itself. 

 Benefit of being a student in Romania ?

  • you get the opportunity to find jobs within European Union
  •  open a business 
  • start a family.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Cum se Face o Teza de Licenta - Umberto Eco, pe scurt

6 capitole - 263 de pagini - editura Polirom - format de buzunar editia 2014, traducere de I.Popescu, George 

prima editie : como si fa una tesi di laurea - ed Bompiani 1977

Umberta Eco, nascut in 1932 a fost in anii 60 un reprezentant de frunte ai avangardei culturale italiene. A predat la diverse universitati din lume, devenind Doctor Honoris Causa a pste 50 dintre ele. A scris romane celebre, studii de semiotica, estetica si ....

Introducere :
 6 sub-capitole care explica pe rand cui anume i se adreseaza aceasta carte si ce vrea aceasta carte sa sugereze, 
clarificarea despre ce vrea sa explice acest volum si ce nu vrea sa spuna, subliniind pentru limpezime urmatorele puncte de plecare: 1 ce se intelege prin teza de licenta, 2 cum sa va alegeti tema si ............

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Numa' bine.