Workshop- Rusu Alina- Alice
Friday, November 23, 2018
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Friday, August 17, 2018
Sarbatori in India - August 2018

Hindusii sarbatoresc Raksha Bandana, sau Rakhi, sarbatoare centrata pe legatura dintre frate si sora, legatura care continua si dupa casatorirea celor doi. Acest eveniment puncteaza promisiunea fratelui de a o proteja si ocroti pe sora lui, pe intreg parcursul vietii. Sarbatoare este deasemenea utilizata ca prilej de declarare a relatiilor "fratesti dintre cuplurile de baieti si fete de diferite varste.
Eid-ul Adha este o sarbatoare globala, asteptata cu drag de intreaga populatie islamica. Aceasta puncteaza sfarsitul perioadei de Hajj, in care musulmanii calatoresc la Mecca pentru a indeplini unul dintre cei 5 stalpi ai credintei. Se mai numeste si Bakrid, "Sarbatoarea Caprei", datorita faptului ca se sacrifica un animal ( capra sau vaca) ce simbolizeaza sacrificiul lui Ibrahim pentru Dumnezeul sau.
Sunday, August 12, 2018
Astazi vom vorbi
despre Jutti.
Jutti este denumirea pe care o poarta un stil
specific de incaltaminte indiana, intalnita cu precadere in partea de nord a
Indiei, in regiunea Punjabului.
Localitati precum
Patialla si Amritsar sunt faimoase pentru producerea in cantitati industriale a
acestui tip specific de incaltaminte.
Aceste localitati
reprezinta deasemenea si importante centre de manufacturiere a incaltamintei
Jutti, de unde se si exporta o cantitate insemnata, pentru incantarea
diasporei indiene din intreaga lume, locuitorii nativi din aceste zone fiind indeosebi interesati de comercializarea acestui tip de incaltaminte pentru uz
Indienii din
diaspora sunt in special interesati de achizitionarea acestor Jutti pentru
pentru intregirea costumelor de ocazie , ceremonii sau alte evenimente mondene.
Acest tip de
incaltaminte are cateva variante de design.
Asadar, Jutti in varianta lor cea mai simpla, sunt facuti integral din piele, cu partea superioara,
interiorul si talpa din piele de diferite proveniente, de la animale domestice
cat si salbatice,
Pielea folosita
pentru realizarea unei perechi de Jutti este mai intai procesata in tabacariile
locale, dupa care de taie in forme standard, in sabloane, fara diferentiere
intre piciorul stang si drept, in ideea ca aceasta incaltaminte se va mula pe
piciorul celui care o poarta, luand forma cea mai comoda pentru purtator.
Materialele utilizate
sunt materiale de baza, de provenienta organica, au o manopera rudimentara , cu piesele atasate
intre ele manual, printr-o cusatura foarte stransa.
Exista, dupa cum
spuneam, cateva variatii de forma, si
exista la fel, cateva variatii de design.
Aceste variatii
exista atat in incaltamintea destinata femeilor cat si cea destinasta
In broderia utilizata, sunt
variatii in firul utilizat, care poate fi de metal, plastic sau textil, pot fi
impodobiti cu pietre pretioase, margele de sticla, paiete de metal, de plastic,
sau ciucuri din piele sau din ata.
Pentru barbati , sunt
mai putine variatii ce-i drept, cele traditionale variind intre a avea varful
prelungit si intors in sus, numit nokh, si impodobiti cu broderie, model pentru care se opteaza in general pentru
costumatiile festive, sau acelasi varf prelungit pentru o imbracaminte mai
eleganta, mai formala, sau cu varf simplu, caz in care si culoarea acestora
este fie negru fie maro inchis pentru comoditate.
Acest stil de Jutti cu model simplu si culoare
neagra este un model de purtat zilnic si este specific regiunii Punjabului, iar
in limba locala poarta denumirea de Jalsa Jutti.
traditional de Jutti a fost preluat de designerii contemporani, iar ca urmare,
se gasesc in magazinele firmei Batta sau alte firme, pantofi Jutti cu
modificarile clasice de pantofi, talpa de cauciuc, forma predefinita de
stang-drept, plusul de comfort in talpa, si o forma ce se preteaza anatomiei
In alte regiuni
ale Indiei, incaltamintea Jutti poarta denumirea de Mojari, iar in regiunea
adiacenta Pakistanului cat si pe teritoriul Pakistanului sunt numiti Khussa.
Gurgaon, Haryana, India
Monday, June 4, 2018
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Student Visa Romania
Planning to apply for a student visa in Romania ?
This is what you should know
Step 1:
You need to apply for a national long stay visa. Which allows you the entry and stay on the territory of Romania for 90 days.
Step 2:
After entering Romania the long stay visa allows you to apply, at the local Immigration office, for the extension of the right of temporary stay and for a residence permit.
If you are planning to study longer than 90 days, up to one year or even more, you must apply for the residency permit that allows you to stay for a period of one year.
- The extension of the right of stay in Romania shall be applied for at least 30 days before the expiry of the long-stay visa. It is granted only with the previous approval of the Ministry of Internal Affairs – General Inspectorate for Immigration.
- You will get to know whether your visa was approved or not within 30-45 days. By being a student in Romania you will not be a citizen of Romania neither an immigrant.
However, once you have the student visa, travel outside Romania will be easy due to many of the organised trips which are being prepared within University itself.
Benefit of being a student in Romania ?
- you get the opportunity to find jobs within European Union
- open a business
- start a family.
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Cum se Face o Teza de Licenta - Umberto Eco, pe scurt
6 capitole - 263 de pagini - editura Polirom - format de buzunar editia 2014, traducere de I.Popescu, George
prima editie : como si fa una tesi di laurea - ed Bompiani 1977
Umberta Eco, nascut in 1932 a fost in anii 60 un reprezentant de frunte ai avangardei culturale italiene. A predat la diverse universitati din lume, devenind Doctor Honoris Causa a pste 50 dintre ele. A scris romane celebre, studii de semiotica, estetica si ....
Introducere :
6 sub-capitole care explica pe rand cui anume i se adreseaza aceasta carte si ce vrea aceasta carte sa sugereze,
clarificarea despre ce vrea sa explice acest volum si ce nu vrea sa spuna, subliniind pentru limpezime urmatorele puncte de plecare: 1 ce se intelege prin teza de licenta, 2 cum sa va alegeti tema si ............
Datorita suprafetei ridicol de lunga a textului acestui videoclip, va invit sa-mi accesati pagina de Facebook, si pentru varianta TEXT sa dati click AICI , iar ca sa ne imprietenim, stiti voi, dati add.
Numa' bine.
Numa' bine.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
In the blogging business
So this is what it's like to basically be a blogger !!
Hm... I've been working on the site from past 5 hours editing, composing, changing the theme, choosing colours and fonts, adding tags, categorising posts, scrolling themes, and throwing a quick eye on the settings section.
Damn, this thing is haaaard! I have this book, called "a Thousand Paths to patience" by Michael Powel, which has a symbol of Yin and Yang on the cover. This reminds me of the Yin and Yang collection I had made for the graduation show as a student in WLC in Mumbai in 2009, and just being there was an awesome time of my life!!, anyway,back to our hatchings; in this book, at a random page, number 255 it is written "The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it" - Arnold H Glasow. Oh wow, it matches the tone of my post. Alright, I'm pleased now.And here is the link to purchase it from Amazon, if you fancy a time pass inspirational, pocket size book.
Hatching the blog is time-consuming for sure and not that rewarding at the moment. It takes time to build a blog. A good blog. It takes time to learn the techniques, the tools and developing the eye for it. This post is meant to be sort of a short exercise to round up because it is nearly midnight and I'd rather catch some sleep at the moment instead of type mindlessly on this ancient keyboard. However, I must thank the #EveryDayInspiration for pushing me to work on this blog every day and to keep a constant pace. It is slow and tiring but not entirely useless.Work is never useless.
"Spend as much time laying the foundations for your dreams as you do building them. Trust and accept that things will work out in the end."- Arnold H Glasow
Yin Yang Mumbai 2009
Județul Suceava, România
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
I write because..
It's Tuesday as if this would be a reason strong enough to write on a social media, without even having anything in it related to the particular day of the week. I write because I wanna feel my hand moving on the keyboard, yes I do type with one hand only. I particularly use the index finger and the opposable thumb to click the space button.
I write because I intend it to be sort of a "Day One", for the rest of the blog, even if it is rather far from being a "day one"post. I write because I want my mind to free will itself on the keyboard. I am trying to not edit, not have any blank moments, just write away, naked, raw post, personal and sincere. To whatever extent. I might exclude stuff which randomly pops up in my mind such as... and such as.. well yes, excluded, as it is not that appropriate to just share it aaaall with you guys, I do write too because it is 03:19 am, and I cannot sleep, with all the relaxing teas I had yesterday, that filled my being from physical to psychical in soo many ways . In fact, the tea cup is already full again, it has been filled a while ago with a various selection of plants, all meant to relax my mind and distress, and basically to be able to sleeeep for at least 6 hours tonight. Maybe my internal time set is restless, and I wouldn't blame it at all.
It is a bit difficult, yeah, to write without touching the delete button, or the backspace, especially when your aim is to just keep your hands moving on the keyboard for about 20, twentyyy minutes, without interruption and write whatever crap comes in mind. That too by being composed and do not divagate toooo much, if such a thing could be possible.
I believe I've been writing on this piece for about 9 minutes now and I realise how basically void of content it is, too raw, too fugitive and way too vague to capture someone's interest, I might not even go back to it myself, so yeah, none taken. LOL. Internally.
I could tell you about my cat who just came from a stroll in the neighbourhood, and made a lot of drama when I courteously invited him over at the running water of the bathtub's tap for a thorough paw washing with love and care.He did not enjoy it, although he used to, but yeah, the neighbours threw some cold water at him several times to keep him away from their cat ladies, and he stopped enjoying baths. It's 3:31 a.m.
Few more minutes, bare with me, for the sake of time pass and insomnia.Yes, I do confess, I did hit the backspace button several times while writing this post. And yes, I did have a few blank moments to involuntarily, more or less, check my spelling, most of it because my keyboard has been so much overused that the print has started fading and I do confuse some keys with others, therefore the mistake is basically imminent.
3:35 a,m. now, my slippers feel sticky, I had just washed my feet, well, word of advice, let it be at least that much relevant for the cause and do take my advice to never wear your slippers right after washing them without wiping them thoroughly.
03:37.I'm done.
I write because I intend it to be sort of a "Day One", for the rest of the blog, even if it is rather far from being a "day one"post. I write because I want my mind to free will itself on the keyboard. I am trying to not edit, not have any blank moments, just write away, naked, raw post, personal and sincere. To whatever extent. I might exclude stuff which randomly pops up in my mind such as... and such as.. well yes, excluded, as it is not that appropriate to just share it aaaall with you guys, I do write too because it is 03:19 am, and I cannot sleep, with all the relaxing teas I had yesterday, that filled my being from physical to psychical in soo many ways . In fact, the tea cup is already full again, it has been filled a while ago with a various selection of plants, all meant to relax my mind and distress, and basically to be able to sleeeep for at least 6 hours tonight. Maybe my internal time set is restless, and I wouldn't blame it at all.
It is a bit difficult, yeah, to write without touching the delete button, or the backspace, especially when your aim is to just keep your hands moving on the keyboard for about 20, twentyyy minutes, without interruption and write whatever crap comes in mind. That too by being composed and do not divagate toooo much, if such a thing could be possible.
I believe I've been writing on this piece for about 9 minutes now and I realise how basically void of content it is, too raw, too fugitive and way too vague to capture someone's interest, I might not even go back to it myself, so yeah, none taken. LOL. Internally.
I could tell you about my cat who just came from a stroll in the neighbourhood, and made a lot of drama when I courteously invited him over at the running water of the bathtub's tap for a thorough paw washing with love and care.He did not enjoy it, although he used to, but yeah, the neighbours threw some cold water at him several times to keep him away from their cat ladies, and he stopped enjoying baths. It's 3:31 a.m.
Few more minutes, bare with me, for the sake of time pass and insomnia.Yes, I do confess, I did hit the backspace button several times while writing this post. And yes, I did have a few blank moments to involuntarily, more or less, check my spelling, most of it because my keyboard has been so much overused that the print has started fading and I do confuse some keys with others, therefore the mistake is basically imminent.
3:35 a,m. now, my slippers feel sticky, I had just washed my feet, well, word of advice, let it be at least that much relevant for the cause and do take my advice to never wear your slippers right after washing them without wiping them thoroughly.
03:37.I'm done.

Why are you blogging?
This question could sound in many ways:
"WHY are you blogging?" to which I will answer below;
"Why ARE you blogging?", even though I am not very constant and neither perseverent much, I am blogging mainly because I am enjoying it, obviously.
Then there could be the question "Why are YOU blogging?", and that is rude and if I give it much attention it will ruin my mood for the entire day so therefore I will just ignore it.
And then there could be the question of "Why are you BLOGGING?", to which, well, the answer is rather obvious since we are in the year 2017 and basically communication has taken a preeeety wide piece of cake from all sorts of media.
However, the most relevant answer would be WHY NOT. Frankly. To all of them.
Well, even though I might be trying to be as specific as possible, chances are that I will answer to this question in a very general manner, comprising generalities and generally by being general. Intentionally. Today. However, back to square one, I should be blogging for academic reasons. I should be blogging for fun, for keeping track of my work as a designer and an artist, and most of all I should be blogging to improve myself in many ways.
The way I express in English should be one of the main improvements. This is one of the reasons for which the blog is in English. I might write in Romanian or Hindi, or French, or Khmer, however, it is highly doubtful; first of all, I am bilingual in Romanian and English, while my vocabulary for all the others is quite random and raw. My accent hilarious and my grammar rather shady. So, better not.
Another big reason for which I blog is because I want to practice my blogging skills and learn new techy stuff, as I am not that good at any of these so yeah, practice makes it perfect, InshaAllah.
I also blog to reach out to people with similar interests, whichever interests I might have at a specific point in time. At the moment my list of interests includes the followings, let me do here a bullet list in HTML:
Meanwhile, Happy women's day!!!!
Say no to filters. Today :D !!
Yours, truly.
"WHY are you blogging?" to which I will answer below;
"Why ARE you blogging?", even though I am not very constant and neither perseverent much, I am blogging mainly because I am enjoying it, obviously.
Then there could be the question "Why are YOU blogging?", and that is rude and if I give it much attention it will ruin my mood for the entire day so therefore I will just ignore it.
And then there could be the question of "Why are you BLOGGING?", to which, well, the answer is rather obvious since we are in the year 2017 and basically communication has taken a preeeety wide piece of cake from all sorts of media.
However, the most relevant answer would be WHY NOT. Frankly. To all of them.
Well, even though I might be trying to be as specific as possible, chances are that I will answer to this question in a very general manner, comprising generalities and generally by being general. Intentionally. Today. However, back to square one, I should be blogging for academic reasons. I should be blogging for fun, for keeping track of my work as a designer and an artist, and most of all I should be blogging to improve myself in many ways.
The way I express in English should be one of the main improvements. This is one of the reasons for which the blog is in English. I might write in Romanian or Hindi, or French, or Khmer, however, it is highly doubtful; first of all, I am bilingual in Romanian and English, while my vocabulary for all the others is quite random and raw. My accent hilarious and my grammar rather shady. So, better not.
Another big reason for which I blog is because I want to practice my blogging skills and learn new techy stuff, as I am not that good at any of these so yeah, practice makes it perfect, InshaAllah.
I also blog to reach out to people with similar interests, whichever interests I might have at a specific point in time. At the moment my list of interests includes the followings, let me do here a bullet list in HTML:
- English language
- translations
- sorting out the content from (C:) drive, (D:) drive, (E:) drive and some of the additional external hard drives, which I am pretty sure are just filled with irrelevant stuff like pictures of butterflies, flowers and emo memes that I have been keeping since like the past 15 years
- sorting out the spring/summer wardrobe
- finding a job
Meanwhile, Happy women's day!!!!

Say no to filters. Today :D !!
Yours, truly.
Friday, March 3, 2017
Darn it!
I always have a hard time find the proof that I actually diiiiiid a damn hard work and that too a whole lot of it. Once the collection is all done wrapped and away I forget, FORGET to keep track of the pictures I took and they get lost like everywhere! Well, do excuse my ranting on the blog for basically childish stuff, but oh well, let me be childish all the way and roll on the floor crying out loud I WANT MY PICTURES BACK !!
Thank God I had the inspiration to post on my Facebook Page some lame pictures of the bags that I had made few years back.. Since my Windows crashed and my Passport hard drive got stuck and doesn't open, I can literally say that I am flipping UPSET! I lost about 20gb of data! Thank God for Facebook and it's download button.. gosh.. I feel like back to 1st standard. In my freshman year on Uni I had better stuff to present to my employers. This sucks a whole lot!
What to do..non-edited pictures downloaded from Facebook memories are all I have.. sigh,... it literally makes me cry. I bloody have an Interview on Monday!! Ugh.. it's gotto work.
Here are the bag. Made with love and care for some members of the Facebook group "The Hijabi Girl".

I always have a hard time find the proof that I actually diiiiiid a damn hard work and that too a whole lot of it. Once the collection is all done wrapped and away I forget, FORGET to keep track of the pictures I took and they get lost like everywhere! Well, do excuse my ranting on the blog for basically childish stuff, but oh well, let me be childish all the way and roll on the floor crying out loud I WANT MY PICTURES BACK !!
Thank God I had the inspiration to post on my Facebook Page some lame pictures of the bags that I had made few years back.. Since my Windows crashed and my Passport hard drive got stuck and doesn't open, I can literally say that I am flipping UPSET! I lost about 20gb of data! Thank God for Facebook and it's download button.. gosh.. I feel like back to 1st standard. In my freshman year on Uni I had better stuff to present to my employers. This sucks a whole lot!
What to do..non-edited pictures downloaded from Facebook memories are all I have.. sigh,... it literally makes me cry. I bloody have an Interview on Monday!! Ugh.. it's gotto work.
Here are the bag. Made with love and care for some members of the Facebook group "The Hijabi Girl".

Thursday, July 21, 2016
Auto Ricsha Drive in Delhi
On the way to Pragati Maidan for the 57th India International Garment Fair, held at New Delhi between 18th to 20th of July 2016.
A very short video shot with my shaking Blackberry.
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